Gerais Protecao Automotiva

Our Plans!

Learn more about our options and find out which plan is best for you

Melhor e mais recomendado

Ultra Plan

This plan has coverage for all your unforeseen events and also for damages to third parties.

When choosing the plan Ultra you take

  • Check

    Complete 24-hour assistance

  • Check

    Protection against theft, theft, collision, fire and natural phenomena

  • Check

    Third-party damage coverage (up to R$ 50,000.00)

  • Check

    Backup car for 10, 20 or 30 days

  • Check

    Full control through our App

  • Check

    Covers for windows, headlights and taillights

  • Check

    Access to the "Clube Certo" and "Clube de Benefícios"


Make your plan according to your needs.

Choose what you need

  • Selecionado

    Complete 24-hour assistance

  • Selecionado

    Protection against theft, theft, collision, fire and natural phenomena

  • Não selecionado

    Third-party damage coverage (up to R$ 50,000.00)

  • Selecionado

    Third-party damage coverage (up to R$ 100,000.00)

  • Selecionado

    Backup car for 10, 20 or 30 days

  • Não selecionado

    Full control through our App

  • Selecionado

    Covers for windows, headlights and taillights

  • Selecionado

    Access to the "Clube Certo" and "Clube de Benefícios"